Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo weather
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Weather Tech

This tech. section is for users of WD (WeatherDisplay), weather web site developers & webmasters. Click here for our weather section!

If you find a problem or mistake with something described here, please let me know!


Weather Scripts & Tips

Weather Tech Email Service
You can keep up to date with new scripts and tips that get added here, as well as improvements and updates.

I'm also hoping that other weather script developers and weather software developers will submit their news and updates for inclusion in the emails as that would be very useful for everyone! So if you develop weather web scripts or software that would interest our Weather Tech subscribers, please contact me.

Weather Tech Email
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Weather Web Scripts

WD PHP Tags System
A complete system to enable your web site to work with weather data direct from Weather Display. Put more than 2000 bits of weather data any where on your web site. Freedom to design and layout your site how ever you like.

Tides Processor (php)
Updated 16 Dec 2008
Turns your uploaded WD tides file into something far easier to work with. Display tides where and when you want. Includes moon phase icons and more.

WD Tags Converted To PHP
Has now been replaced by WD PHP Tags System

PHP Image No Cache
A simple way of making sure web browsers cache your static design images, but do not cache your dynamic images.

More scripts coming soon!


Put a live webcam image on a WD custom screen.

Learn PHP & Convert Your HTML Site To PHP

PHP Video Tutorials - Learn PHP

Learn PHP the fast and easy way with these extensive video tutorials, lasting a total of 9.5 hours! They cover everything you need to know to get you understanding, and developing your own php scripts to perform any task you can imagine.

...Go to the php video tutorials page

WD Tag Reference Page

When you are looking for a specific custom tag to use in your WD web page, it can be a drag, and take a lot of time to find it in the tags list. Also you have no idea exactly what the data will look like when the tag is populated.

The WD tags reference page makes it very quick and easy to find the specific tag you are looking for, and get a preview of the kind of data it will output - the preview is from my weather station, but obviously it will be from your weather station once it's on your site. Every tag is given an ID number for use with the PHP method (explained left), the output of the tag, the raw tag to put in your html page, and the original description of the tag.

...Go to the Tags Reference Page

Run Your Own Weather Email Service!

I have been running professional email services for some years now, and thought it would be good to offer a special service for weather web sites, that's fully legal, easy to manage and has professional features.

The great thing about email is that rather than waiting for visitors to come to your site, you can send your site to them. This can be a very useful service for your visitors, and it also makes sure your visitors never forget about you!

The not so great thing about running your own independent mailing list is that it can be complicated to setup properly, restrictive, and you can find your self getting into trouble with the SPAM authorities! Using our system will enable you to avoid all those pitfalls!

Here's an example of what you could use this service for. You could design an html or php page on your server which will get updated every day with a short range forecast for your area, some recent weather data, and maybe some local ads. In our email service you can set a schedule for that page to be sent to your email subscribers once a day at a particular time, or what ever schedule you want. Our email system will then collect your page every day at that time, including any PHP output and images, personalize it with your subscriber's name, and then send it to your subscribers. With this example, you could just put an html subscription form on your web site, and sit back. Our email service will do everything else for you such as managing subscription and un subscriptions, and sending your glossy, professional email to your subscribers every day. Of course, you may want to send a one off news letter to your subscribers from time to time, and that's no problem either! You can login at any time to see how many subscribers you have, how many have opened your email and much more.

This service isn't available yet, and I'm still deciding the finer details, but it will probably be offered in two versions. A free version with our ads inserted in your emails, and an ad free version that will be available to you for a small subscription fee.

If you think you may be interested in this, you can subscribe to our own Weather Tech email, and I'll let you know when the service becomes available.



Horse Riding

Enjoy horse & pony riding at Newton Ferrers Equestrian Centre. Learn to ride at a fully equipped riding school. We also offer hacks, livery and we run a quarter horse stud.

Newton Ferrers Equus

Equestrian Classified Ads

Local gardens wanted for hedgehog release

N&N Email Service
W/E forecast & tides ..?
Daily forecast & tides ..?
Site Updates ..?
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You can cancel your subscription at any time.
The RYA Shorebased courses are starting next week at The Parish Rooms, Yealmpton.  We have 5 spaces left on the Day Skipper shorebased, Tues eve 7 - 9.30.  and 3 spaces left on the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster class on Thursday eve.  Price £245.00 inclusive of books etc.  Please book on line at or phone 01548 810917.. 

Under Construction!
This is part of a larger site that is currently in development. More info will be available soon.

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