Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo weather
Newton Ferrers and Noss Mayo
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Newton Ferrers & Noss Mayo Local Weather

Newton Ferrers & Noss Mayo, Devon, UK
Page loaded at 22:30
Page was last updated on Friday 09 September 2011@ 15:55
Usually updated every 5mins. Refresh the page to view the latest info.
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Current Weather Conditions

The following weather conditions were recorded by the Newton & Noss Weather Station at 15:55 today.

Calm, force 0 N. Atmospheric pressure at 994.1 mb and falling. Average wind speeds of 0.0 kts (0mph) Calm, gusting 0.0 kts (0mph). The maximum wind speed recorded so far today was 0.0 kts NW at . We estimate a calm-glassy sea state for local waters - see weather buoys page for measured sea state.

The current temperature is 16.8°c (62.2°f) . There has been no significant rain fall measured so far today. There have been 0 days with rain so far this month. The current humidity is 99%. Cloud base: 315ft (96m). Dew point: 16.6°c.


Weather Forecast

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....Long range forecast

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Newton & Noss Tides

Newton Ferrers Noss Mayo River Yealm Tides

Today's Tides (River Yealm Entrance - BST)
high tide: 0429 4.7m - low tide: 1039 1.7m
high tide: 1652 5.0m - low tide: 2309 1.4m
....more tide times

Sun & Moon

There are 13:02 hours of possible daylight today, -0:04 seconds change since yesterday.
Moon age: 12 days,4 hours,45 minutes,93%
(waxing gibbous moon)

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UK Visibility

Visibility Chart
Image courtesy of Weather Underground

UK Wind

wind chart
Image courtesy of Weather Underground

Jet Stream

Visibility Chart
Image courtesy of Weather Underground

Horse Riding

Enjoy horse & pony riding at Newton Ferrers Equestrian Centre. Learn to ride at a fully equipped riding school. We also offer hacks, livery and we run a quarter horse stud.

Newton Ferrers Equus

Equestrian Classified Ads

Local gardens wanted for hedgehog release

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The RYA Shorebased courses are starting next week at The Parish Rooms, Yealmpton.  We have 5 spaces left on the Day Skipper shorebased, Tues eve 7 - 9.30.  and 3 spaces left on the RYA Coastal Skipper/Yachtmaster class on Thursday eve.  Price £245.00 inclusive of books etc.  Please book on line at or phone 01548 810917.. 

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